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Posted by on Feb 5, 2011 in Calendar Event, Life | 10 comments

100 posts and counting!

100 posts and counting!

photo: SJ photographyI was settling down tonight to write all about our adventures today, when I spotted something amazing! This is my 100th post! I started this blog last October thinking that I would post to it now and again as a nice hobby and way of recording my adventures with Little Man. As the weeks and months have gone by, I’ve started to enjoy this blogging lark more and more. These days I find something to write about every day (except on days like yesterday when Vodafone drops my connection and horror of horrors I can’t get online!), and I have to admit I love it!

So to thank all of you who visit here, I’ve decided to run a little competition to celebrate. For the remaining three weeks in February, I’d like to invite you to submit a blog post on any subject you like – birth stories, parenting tips, favourite recipes, product reviews, adventures with your own little ones, or whatever you like. Your post can be as short or as long as you like, and you’re welcome to include photos. You can email your submission to stories[at]

And of course, no competition is complete without prizes. Each week, I’ll draw one winner at random, and feature their entry on the site. They will also win an In the Night Garden Little Library, in honour of Little Man’s favourite characters. At the end of the month, I’ll announce an overall winner, who’ll receive a copy of the Baby-led Weaning Cookbook, another favourite in our house!

UPDATE: For an easier way to enter during the last week of the contest, read this!


  1. Congrats on the 100th post 🙂

    • Thanks Anthony!

  2. Congrats hun!!! 100 posts eh! I have to admit, reading has become my guilty little pleasure! 🙂 Must steal a child for a week and write something about it so I can win the books!!! *lol* After hours of nursing studies, my brain could just about manage those books to unwind to after a long day in college!

    • You don’t have to write about kids Sandra – you can write about your favourite recipe, book, app…whatever takes your fancy! And if you don’t want a kiddies book, I’m sure I can find a suitable alternative prize! Although, I must admit the In the Night Garden little library is very cute.

  3. well done and keep up the good work

  4. Thanks Sinead!

  5. Well done Lisa, I must add a new story to your blog in honour of the achievement!

    • Please do Rob. You might even win a little prize if your entry is drawn. 🙂

  6. Congrats on 100+ posts, there was me looking at my post count this morning and thinking I was doing well getting to the 40 mark!

    • Mammyskitchen – you’re doing a great job! I love the recipes on your site. And I love the idea of baking something from each of your cookbooks. I have a growing collection as well, and think I might adopt the same approach.

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