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Posted by on Feb 19, 2011 in Calendar Event | 1 comment

And the next winner is…

And the next winner is…

It’s Saturday again, so I’m delighted to announce my second Little Library winner.

This week’s winner is Rob!

Rob has an eight-month old daughter, and he submitted an update on life with an eight month old. Well done Rob – your Little Library will be on its way to you soon!

Hi to all readers, I recently submitted a post about flying with my 6 month old daughter to the Philippines. Just wanted to give you all an update on my nearly 8 month going on 8 years daughter!

It’s amazing how time flies, back in June 2010 I remember this quite, angelic little baby that never made a sound, but just used to smile; now she shouts the house down with her powerful vocal chords, all v sweet and lovable of course!

We found out a new thing she does now – if we attempt to leave her alone in her cot for a second in the morning, getting ready for work, she has a major meltdown, but the second we go back in she’s smiling and laughing – cute.

After reading Lisa’s previous posts, we are getting ready to batten down the hatches at home, get those gates on the stairs and around the kitchen, child proof all sockets, the oven door, etc – all ahead of us, look forward to it all though I must admit, as when I come home from work every day and see that smiling face and the word, ‘daddy’ my heart just melts. She could destroy all my DVDs and I wouldn’t care!

Another thing we found, since starting her on solids is how she is not fussed about certain foods we give her, she just eats anything and everything – broccoli, carrots, sweet potato, you name it she’ll eat it, which is great for us not to have a fussy eater – a messy eater though – yes of course!

A big factor, which I’m sure a lot of readers will relate to, is the sleeping patterns of your 8 month old. When she was small and in the Moses basket in our room, she was prefect, only woke once or twice throughout the night for a feed then it was back to dream land. Now, since we moved her to her cot in her own room, she is not so keen! I reckon it’s just a bit of separation anxiety, but it’s tough to hear her cry there and see her uncomfortable. Recently we’ve moved the basket into her cot which seems to work for a bit, but there are many wakeful cries during the night, – oh well in time it shall pass – then we’ll be onto teething!!

Myself and my wife also love getting down on the ground and seeing things for the baby’s level, and we love playing with her toys with her, I’d recommend this to any parents, just to see them turn and smile to you, then bashing the latest Fisher Price gadget off the ground is adorable!

Thanks to everyone who submitted a story or recipe for my little competition this week.

1 Comment

  1. Thanks Lisa, I’m delighted! I never win anything!! Regards, Rob.

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